Tag Archives: Jaguar

Fun Videos

Hey, readers! These are some videos of funny things that I simply had to share with you! A short description precedes each video, telling you where it came from, etc. But you do not have to take my word for it if you view them!

Have fun, everybody!

The Mithril Guardian


Some fun scenes from the TV series Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes! (This series was previously reviewed here in “Three Marvel TV Series.”) Not all of the scenes may be side-splitters, but I cannot get over watching Cap try to teach Tony how to box! Enjoy!

Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes – Part 3 – Boxing Scene and LOTR ref.


Ever played Angry Birds? This person did. He was also a fan of The A-Team, and so he decided to combine his two favorites. The result is…The Angry Team!

The Angry Team


Ever seen Stargate SG-1? MacGyver? No? That’s okay. You can check them out after you take a look at this blooper clip from the behind-the-scenes of an episode of Stargate SG-1!

Stuck On a Glacier with MacGyver


If you have never heard of Benedict Cumberbatch before now, then you soon will. He is to play Doctor Strange in Marvel’s upcoming film about the Sorcerer Supreme, and while he may not have the facial hair, he sure has the physique, the face, and very likely the attitude! In this video, though, our new favorite Sherlock needs to enlist the aid of Sesame Street’s the Count to solve a mystery…. See how they do it below!

Cumberbatch and the Count


Ever thought that your Dad might be an alien from outer space? This girl is sure he is! Take a look at the advertisement to see why!

Audi ad


Bad guys from all over Britain – from Ben Kingsley to Loki – want this car. Watch how they do their best to sell it to you below. I bet it is all part of an evil plot!

Jaguar ad


And now, from behind the scenes of The Hobbit, I give you – !

Tauriel, Legolas, and Thranduil’s reaction to a fans’ reaction to The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug

The Many Roles of Tom Hiddleston

I have not made any secret out of the fact that I greatly dislike Marvel’s Loki, played by Tom Hiddleston. Despite that, I have encountered several videos of Hiddleston that are a lot of fun to watch. So whether you are a fan of Tom Hiddleston, a casual reader of this blog, or someone who loathes Loki as much as I do, here’s hoping you enjoy the following videos as I do!

2014 Jaguar Advertisement

Tom Hiddleston and the Cookie Monster

The Pirate Fairy – The Frigate That Flies

Behind the Scenes of Tinker Bell and the Pirate Fairy – Tom Hiddleston

(And yeah, I had no idea he could sing, either.)

Until next time!

The Mithril Guardian