Tag Archives: Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day!

Mothers.  Women we often ignore, or sometimes we plain dislike them. Doubtless, there are mothers out there who bear disliking.  But that has not been my experience.

Oh, I have had fights with my mother, arguments, fallings out, and things of that sort.  Most people have.  But one of the wonderful, wonderful things about a good mother is that she is almost always willing to forgive the spats and annoying disagreements.  Especially if you take out the trash for her or wash up the dishes as part of your apology when she is invariably proved right about whatever it was the two of you disagreed upon.  After all, mothers are the ones with experience in the world.  What her children think is new mother has seen many, many times before.

For that reason, I have included this song below, “The Mom Song,” in honor of mothers all across the globe.  It is not the most flattering song in the world – but it is a mother’s song:


Happy Mother’s Day!!


The Mithril Guardian

Mother’s Day

Mothers.  Women we often ignore, or sometimes we plain dislike them. Doubtless, there are mothers out there who bear disliking.  But that has not been my experience.

Oh, I have had fights with my mother, arguments, fallings out, and things of that sort.  Most people have.  But one of the wonderful, wonderful things about a good mother is that she is almost always willing to forgive the spats and annoying disagreements.  Especially if you take out the trash for her or wash up the dishes as part of your apology when she is invariably proved right about whatever it was the two of you disagreed upon.  After all, mothers are the ones with experience in the world.  What her children think is new mother has seen many, many times before.

For that reason, I have included this song below, “The Mom Song,” in honor of mothers all across the globe.  It is not the most flattering song in the world – but it is a mother’s song:


Happy Mother’s Day!!


The Mithril Guardian