Tag Archives: Iron Kong Mark II

A Gallery of Images from Zoids

Following this blog the way you have, readers, you may have noticed this writer is a HUGE fan of the Japanese anime Zoids: Chaotic Century.  This post is a full-blown gallery of pictures I have assembled and am now showing off.  To get you in the mood, the intro theme for Zoids: Chaotic Century is at the top of the post.  I hope you enjoy the photos as much as I do, readers.

See you on the battlefield!

The Mithril Guardian

The Zaber Fang (Raven’s Model)

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Shadow (Raven’s Organoid)


Dibison (Thomas Schubaltz’s Model)


THE BLADE LIGER (Van Flyheight, Leon Toros, and Fuzors’ Models)

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Command Wolf (Standard and Irvine Models)

Irvine's Command Wolf in full
Irvine's Command Wolf 2








Irvine's Command Wolf


The Lightning Saix (Jack Cisco Model)

Image result for zoids irvine's lightning saix

Image result for zoids irvine's lightning saix


The Gojulas

The Gojulas


The Shadow Fox

Image result for zoids shadow fox

Image result for zoids shadow fox


The Shield Liger

Shield Liger

Shield Liger Missile Launch


The Storm Sworder

Image result for zoids storm sworder

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The Iron Kong

Spotlight: Zoids – The Iron Kong Mark II


Ready for a fight, readers? Then you have come to the right desert! Today we are once again on Zi, studying one of the zoids which lives there. This zoid is the Iron Kong Mark II.

The Iron Kong Mark II is the only Iron Kong model with which I am familiar. It is the Imperial equivalent of the Helic Republic’s Gojulas. Like the Gojulas, the Iron Kong is a zoid whose basic function is that of a tank. However, Iron Kongs are far more maneuverable than Gojulases. Even on a bad day, I would take an Iron Kong over a Gojulas, for the simple reason that this zoid is more maneuverable than the Tyrannosaur-type Helic tank.

Iron Kongs are gorilla-type zoids. The cockpit for an Iron Kong is in its head, behind that green glass which serves as the zoid’s eyes. The cockpit is usually made for one pilot, but some Iron Kongs are two-seaters – these cockpits are far more spacious than cockpits for single pilots. I imagine it is not hard to modify an Iron Kong’s cockpit either way.

Though they are heavily armored, Iron Kongs are fairly dexterous and nimble zoids – up close, anyway. Over long distances, they are slow moving. Iron Kongs are extremely strong, some of the strongest zoids on Zi. Even without their artillery, an Iron Kong is a ferocious zoid. Someone going up against an Iron Kong had better be prepared to take a pounding. Ace zoid pilots may, with luck and/or spectacular skill, walk away from a battle with an Iron Kong unscathed….

But pit an Iron Kong pilot who knows what he is doing against an equally skilled pilot controlling another zoid, and you have a recipe for an amazing battle!

As I said, the Iron Kong is slow over long distances. But in close combat, their bulk is no hindrance. And this makes them very deadly. Most Iron Kong pilots’ first instinct is to pull the trigger when they are attacked. Despite sitting on a virtual mountain of muscle, their immediate reaction is to go for their guns. (Insert eye-roll here.) I do not know why they do this, but it happens all the time!

The Iron Kong, because it is a strong zoid, can be loaded up with several different weapons and remain highly maneuverable. These armaments range from anti-zoid cannons to machine guns to missile launchers hidden in the zoid’s shoulders. And, just like a real gorilla, an Iron Kong could physically rip an opposing zoid apart. I have never seen it happen, exactly, but a couple of pilots from Zoids: Chaotic Century have shown just what the Kongs are capable of in close combat.

Iron Kongs are generally as expressive in battle as other zoids. All zoids make sounds like the animals they are based on and, as living beings, they have attitudes and emotions they express through sound. Ligers and Zabers can both “purr,” while Command Wolves have been shown to growl affectionately toward their pilots.

When anticipating a battle, an Iron Kong will snort, growl, and snuff like an actual gorilla. And in battle, one or two Iron Kongs have gone up on their back legs and pummeled their chests before charging an opponent, much as King Kong does in his films. (They are called Iron ‘Kongs,’ you know! 😉 )

I would not want to tangle with an Iron Kong pilot who knew what he was doing. If I had to fight him, that would be one thing. But choosing to fight him..?! Thanks. I will pass.

The Iron Kong’s armor is second to none. Only machine guns or other such weapons fired at close range can bring a Kong down. Most guns, fired at a distance, barely put a dent in the armor.

However, this hardly makes the Iron Kong an invulnerable zoid. There are weapons capable of wiping out Iron Kongs (and most other zoids) at a distance. But I am saving those for another day. Eventually, I will explain the matter further. Of course, if you were to look up Zoids: Chaotic Century on your own, readers, you would get the answers much faster. Failing that, I must request that you bear with my descriptions and promises with as much patience as you can muster.

Thank you!

My overall rating for the Iron Kong is that it is a heavy artillery zoid which, with a capable pilot, can be deadly in close quarters. Only great pilots such as Chaotic Century’s Colonel Karl Shubaltz and former Imperial soldier Rosso have shown what an Iron Kong can do with a competent pilot. I have never forgotten their lessons.

The Iron Kong is not revered as the Gojulas is in Chaotic Century. I, however, have a very healthy respect for this zoid. Better with me than against me, that is for sure!

Catch ya later!

The Mithril Guardian